How I produced my Visual effects animation

I used a camera to film the footage for this project. I used had to track the footage that had movement in it using Matchmover. I then had to model out my 3D creature in Maya. After the tracks were done, it was able to detect where the camera was, so when loaded in to Maya, a 3D object will be able to become part of the footage. I then had to put lights in Maya in the exact places the lights were in, in the footage so that the shadows would look the same. Then I had to stretch the cube to fit over the keyboard so that the shadows were able to be casted by the 3D object. I also had to add a stretched cube over the table and computer. So I was able to add things like shadows and reflection to them.

Once everything was set up, I was able to animate the creature to make it look like it was jumping over the keyboard keys. After I had finished animating, I then opened the saved maya file into a program called Composite. This was were I could edit things in more detail, such as how hard or soft the shadows were and how reflective things were. When I have finished editing things to how I want them, I then rendered the footage out in Maya into a a series of images. Then I put them onto Finalcut pro, along with the other movie files. I also added soundtracks to make things seem more realistic, such as keyboard typing sounds and man screaming at the end to make things funnier. Once I was happy with the way it was, I then rendered it out as a Quicktime movie file.

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